Dear Charities at PRISM, Shrewsbury Foodbank (Barnabas Community Projects), Shropshire SANDS, Bradbury House (Action for Children). Thank you for the good work you’re all doing and trust you’re keeping safe and well in these difficult times with the Coronavirus and as it is for those who you are helping.
I’m Chairman of the Shropshire Junior Football League and, whilst all grassroots football is closed for the foreseeable future, we’ve issued an Open Statement – End Of Season 2019-20 which you can follow at and one of the agreed commitments is to the league’s Charity Fund. This Fund is made up of team entry fees, donations and reserves and SJFL has agreed for each charity to receive £500 making a total donation of £2000. Since the new millennium the league has now raised over £32000 & gifted 69 charities. Whilst we can’t do official presentations we’re going to do virtual cheque donations. We’ll download all the respective logos with a meet the team photos and a presentation cheque to make a virtual photo call.
When grassroots football reopens we’d like to invite you to one of the league’s events so all your good work can be formally recognised.
I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for the excellent community work you all do.
Keep safe keep well.
Best regards
Mike Hames
Shropshire Junior Football League
Community support service providing peer led emotional support and listening service for bereaved adults, children and young people covering:
Bereaved Sibling Support service for children – For children aged 5 -18yrs old. A bi-monthly peer support activity takes place with other children and their parents who are in a similar situation.
Child Bereaved of a Parent or a Carer – One to one support service through the school with a bi-monthly peer support session with other children and their parents in a similar situation.
School Grief and Loss Support – Provision of one to one grief and loss support in the school environment, referrals are required from a school professional/member of staff.
For more information of services provided by PRISM please contact Sue Jinks at
Shrewsbury Food Bank Plus organises and distributes parcels of donated food to individuals and families every week.We aim to help people out of crisis and poverty whether that’s resources, relational or identity and empower clients to enable them to make confident decisions and responses to future challenges they may face.
For more information of services provided by Shrewsbury Foodbank Plus please contact Karen Williams at or website at
Dear Mike,
Thank you so much for Shropshire Junior Football League’s generous donation! Karen has asked me to send you the links to the thank you’s that have been shared on our social media today:
Kindest Regards,
Meg Roberts
Shropshire SANDS
Our vision for the future: A world where fewer babies die and when a baby does die, anyone affected receives the best possible care and support for as long as it’s needed and to support anyone affected by the death of a baby. To work in partnership with healthcare professionals to ensure that bereaved parents and families receive the best possible care. To promote improvements in practice and fund research to help reduce the number of babies dying.
For more information of services provided by Shropshire SANDS please contact Simon Emmett at
Download the thank you letter here
Download the certificate here
Bradbury House Shrewsbury – Children and young people
Every child should grow up safe and happy.
That’s why we provide support to help them thrive – and step in to help when times get tough.
This means protecting the vulnerable from neglect and abuse.
It means supporting young people who are homeless and those who care for others. It’s finding safe and loving homes, and giving children a voice by campaigning for something better. It also means being there when the unexpected happens.
Who do we care for?
For more information of services provided at Bradbury House Shrewsbury (Action For Children) please contact