I am writing to ask for your help today in sharing some important information about safeguarding children.
As a match official you are in a unique position to use your networks help the game spread vital messaging about keeping children safe. We are confident in the breadth of work being undertaken in this field across the country but are never complacent.
To that end, please take 60 seconds to watch a new film featuring players from our national teams and then share the link as widely as possible:
Please ensure that you are aware of the specific helpline we have commissioned the NSPCC to set up to help encourage more people to come forward. The number is 0800 023 2642.
Thank you
Greg Clarke
The FA
Anyone who has a concern about the welfare of a child or the behaviour of an adult towards a child or young person under 18 years of age in football, is required to refer it to The FA Safeguarding team. The team is staffed by professionals who are experienced in dealing with these concerns.
Referring a concern can be done via your club, league or County FA – all will have a designated safeguarding officer (DSO). Alternatively, you can email us directly via safeguarding@thefa.com.
If the matter is urgent and you cannot contact your club or County FA designated safeguarding officer, you can call The NSPCC 24-hour helpline on 08001111 – or if it is an emergency because a child or children are at immediate risk, then call the police or children’s social care in your area. If you are concerned that someone may be behaving inappropriately or seeking to groom a child in an online environment, then please use the CEOP reporting button that will take you directly to the team at the National Crime Agency, as well as informing your County FA or The FA via safeguarding@thefa.com
We want you to feel confident in football and to know that your child will have fun and be safe.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Non-action is not an option.
Report a concern please watch the video: