Shrewsbury Juniors FC
Shrewsbury Juniors FC provides football for 22 teams across 3 leagues, with teams ranging from creche and under 7s right through to under 18s. The club currently has 6 girls’ teams, playing in Shropshire Girls’ League, with further new teams expected for next season.
The Club has put a major emphasis of developing its young players, and encouraging them to get involved in much more than just playing. 24 young people attended a Junior Football Leaders course, organised and paid for by the club, and have since invested their time in supporting the organisation of events, assisting younger teams with training sessions and refereeing matches.
Some of these events have included a week long football coaching school during the summer holidays, a free under 7s festival for teams from around the County and a highly successful weekend football festival for boys and girls teams aged 7-15 years old.
Shrewsbury Juniors continue to strengthen their links in the community, and continue to support local primary schools with football coaching opportunities for children. This season they have also introduced a specific goalkeepers coaching club with up to 20 children attending from a range of age groups, both girls and boys.
Photo courtesy of Yarrington Limited