Shrewsbury Juniors FC
Shrewsbury Juniors are a football club committed to giving the best opportunities to everyone in the Community, and continue to grow its number of teams and provision. As well as a new Ladies team and additional junior boys and girls sides, the club has also introduced weekly Walking Football and Ability Counts sessions, utilising the FA Football Mash Up programme for the latter.
The club support community activities, through their partnership with Severnside Housing and held a blind football awareness day for parents of their teams, raising over £400 for the local guide dog training centre.
Shrewsbury Juniors are committed to the development of its volunteers both young and old. The club boasts 24 Junior Football Leaders, holding an in-house event for the young leaders as part of the FA Football Futures programme. The young volunteers have gone on to organise two Under 7s Festivals as well as getting involved in refereeing and coaching for a number of the clubs younger teams.
Each team has two FA Level 1 qualified coaches, with many going on to complete FA Level 2 and FA Youth Award courses and beyond. Five of the clubs coaches are now FA Qualified Goalkeeper Coaches and now provide weekly goalkeeping sessions, for young goalkeepers both inside and outside of the club. As well as a running a successful annual tournament, and a summer soccer school, the club is also actively involved in the FA Coach Mentor programme.
Shrewsbury Juniors club officials with centre Don Goodman making the presentation.
All photographs courtesy of Yarrington